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Heap Sort Program in C

We have used the same code as in Heap operation. However, random number generator is now a part of driver program. The source code for building heap appears below.

#ifndef HEAP_H
#define HEAP_H
typedef struct heap{
    int *arr;     // Storage for elements
    int nElement; // No elements present
    int capacity; // Capacity of heap
    int type;     // 0 for min heap, 1 for max heap

int isEmpty(HEAP *h) {
    return h->nElement == 0;

HEAP *CreateHeap(int capacity,int type){
    HEAP *h = (HEAP * ) malloc(sizeof(HEAP)); 
    // Terminate if memory allocation fails 
    if(h == NULL){
        printf("Memory Error!");
        return NULL;
    h->type = type;
    h->nElement = 0;  // Empty heap
    h->capacity = capacity;
    h->arr = (int *) malloc(capacity*sizeof(int)); //size in bytes

    //Check if allocation succeed
    if ( h->arr == NULL){
        printf("Error: malloc failed.\n");
        return NULL;
    return h;

void bottomupHeapify(HEAP *h,int index){
    int temp;
    int parent = (index-1)/2;

    if(h->arr[parent] > h->arr[index]){
        //Swap and heapify recursively 
        temp = h->arr[parent];
        h->arr[parent] = h->arr[index];
        h->arr[index] = temp;

void topdownHeapify(HEAP *h, int parent){
    int left = 2*parent + 1;
    int right = 2*parent + 2;
    int min;
    int temp;

    if(left >= h->nElement || left < 0)
        left = -1;
    if(right >= h->nElement || right < 0)
        right = -1;

    if(left != -1 && h->arr[left] < h->arr[parent])
        min =parent;
    if(right != -1 && h->arr[right] < h->arr[min])
        min = right;

    if(min != parent){
        temp = h->arr[min];
        h->arr[min] = h->arr[parent];
        h->arr[parent] = temp;

        // Recursive  call
        topdownHeapify(h, min);

void insert(HEAP *h, int key){
    if( h->nElement < h->capacity){
        h->arr[h->nElement] = key;
        bottomupHeapify(h, h->nElement);

int deleteMin(HEAP *h){
    int pop;
        printf("\nHEAP is Empty\n");
        return -1;
    // Replace first node by last and delete last
    pop = h->arr[0];
    h->arr[0] = h->arr[h->nElement-1];
    topdownHeapify(h, 0);
    return pop;

void printHeap(HEAP *h){
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < h->nElement; i++){
        printf("%d, ",h->arr[i]);

void decreaseKey(HEAP *h, int index, int val) {
    if (isEmpty(h)) {
        printf("Error: heap is empty\n"); 
    h->arr[index] -= val;
    if (h->type == 0) 
         bottomupHeapify(h, index);
         topdownHeapify(h, index);

void increaseKey(HEAP *h, int index, int val) {
    if (isEmpty(h)) {
        printf("Error: heap is empty\n"); 
    h->arr[index] += val;
    if (h->type == 0) 
         topdownHeapify(h, index);
         bottomupHeapify(h, index);

The driver program appears below. The driver program generate a set of random numbers and uses heap operations to build heap. After heap has been built we repeatedly use deleteMin() operation to select the minimum and send it to the output array. The array when printed gives the sorted list.

#include "heap.h"
#define MAX_SIZE 20 
int main(){
    int i;
    int x[MAX_SIZE];
    HEAP *heap = CreateHeap(MAX_SIZE, 0); //Min Heap for max heap use 1
    if( heap == NULL ){
        printf("Error: create unsuccessful\n");
        return -1;
    // Build Heap using random values
    for(i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++) {
        int x = rand()%100;
        insert(heap, x); // Get MAX_SIZE random values in heap
    printf("List to be sorted using heap sort\n");
    printHeap(heap); // Print heap contents
    // Use deleteMin() repeatedly and create sorted list
    for(i = MAX_SIZE; i > 0; i--)
        x[MAX_SIZE-i] = deleteMin(heap);

    printf("Sorted list using heap sort\n");
    for(i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++) // Print the sorted list
        printf("%d  ", x[i]);
    return 0;

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