// C++ program for implementation of
// Binomial Heap and Operations on it
#include <stdio.h> // Input output
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for malloc function
#include <limits.h> // Required for INT_MIN
// Structure of heap node
typedef struct node {
int info;
int degree;
struct node *parent;
struct node *child;
struct node *sibling;
// Making root global to avoid one extra
// parameter in all functions.
NODE * root = NULL;
// link two heaps by making h1 a child of h2.
int binomialLink(NODE* h1, NODE* h2) {
h1->parent = h2;
h1->sibling = h2->child;
h2->child = h1;
h2->degree = h2->degree + 1;
// Create a heap node
NODE* createNode(int n) {
NODE* newNode = (NODE *) malloc(sizeof(NODE));
newNode->info = n;
newNode->parent = NULL;
newNode->sibling = NULL;
newNode->child = NULL;
newNode->degree = 0;
return newNode;
// This function merge two Binomial Trees
NODE* mergeHeaps(NODE* h1, NODE* h2) {
if (h1 == NULL)
return h2;
if (h2 == NULL)
return h1;
// Define a Node
NODE* res = NULL;
// Check degree of which is smaller
if (h1->degree <= h2->degree)
res = h1;
else if (h1->degree > h2->degree)
res = h2;
// Traverse till if any of heaps becomes empty
while (h1 != NULL && h2 != NULL) {
// If degree of h1 is smaller, increment h1
if (h1->degree < h2->degree)
h1 = h1->sibling;
// Link h1 with h2 in case of equal degree
else if (h1->degree == h2->degree) {
NODE* sib = h1->sibling;
h1->sibling = h2;
h1 = sib;
// If degree of h2 is greater
else {
NODE* sib = h2->sibling;
h2->sibling = h1;
h2 = sib;
return res;
// Perform union on two binomial heaps
NODE* unionHeaps(NODE* h1, NODE* h2) {
if (h1 == NULL && h2 == NULL)
return NULL;
NODE* res = mergeHeaps(h1, h2);
// Traverse the merged list and set
// values according to the degree of
// nodes
NODE *prev = NULL, *curr = res, *next = curr->sibling;
while (next != NULL) {
if ((curr->degree != next->degree)
|| ((next->sibling != NULL)
&& (next->sibling)->degree
== curr->degree)) {
prev = curr;
curr = next;
else {
if (curr->info <= next->info) {
curr->sibling = next->sibling;
binomialLink(next, curr);
else {
if (prev == NULL)
res = next;
prev->sibling = next;
binomialLink(curr, next);
curr = next;
next = curr->sibling;
return res;
// Function to insert a Node
void binomialHeapInsert(int x) {
// Create a new node and do union of
// this node with root
root = unionHeaps(root, createNode(x));
// Function to display the Nodes
void printHeap(NODE* h) {
while (h) {
printf("%d ", h->info);
h = h->sibling;
// Function to reverse a list using recursion.
int revertList(NODE* h) {
if (h->sibling != NULL) {
(h->sibling)->sibling = h;
root = h;
// Function to delete minimum value
NODE* deleteMin(NODE* h) {
if (h == NULL)
return NULL;
NODE* minNodePred = NULL; // Predecessor node
NODE* minNode = h; // Define current minimum
// Find minimum value
int min = h->info;
NODE* curr = h; // Current node
while (curr->sibling != NULL) {
if ((curr->sibling)->info < min) {
min = (curr->sibling)->info;
minNodePred = curr;
minNode = curr->sibling;
curr = curr->sibling;
// If there is a single Node
if (minNodePred == NULL && minNode->sibling == NULL)
h = NULL;
else if (minNodePred == NULL)
h = minNode->sibling;
// Remove min node from list
minNodePred->sibling = minNode->sibling;
// Set root (which is global) as children
// list of min node
if (minNode->child != NULL) {
(minNode->child)->sibling = NULL;
// Do union of root h and children
return unionHeaps(h, root);
// Function to search for an element
NODE* findNode(NODE* h, int val) {
// Return NULL if the heap is empty
if (h == NULL)
return NULL;
// Retrun root if key is equal to the root's data
if (h->info == val)
return h;
// Check the child recursively
NODE* res = findNode(h->child, val);
if (res != NULL)
return res;
return findNode(h->sibling, val);
void swap(int *x, int *y){
int temp = *x;
*x = *y;
*y = temp;
// Decrease the value of key
void decreaseKey(NODE* H, int oldVal, int newVal) {
// Check if element is present or not
NODE* node = findNode(H, oldVal);
// Return if Node is not present
if (node == NULL)
// Reduce the value to the minimum
node->info = newVal;
NODE* parent = node->parent;
// Update the heap according to reduced value
while (parent != NULL && node->info < parent->info) {
swap(&node->info, &parent->info);
node = parent;
parent = parent->parent;
// Function to delete an element
NODE* binomialHeapDelete(NODE* h, int val) {
// Retrun if the heap is empty
if (h == NULL)
return NULL;
// Reduce the value of element to minimum
decreaseKey(h, val, INT_MIN);
// Delete the minimum element from heap
return deleteMin(h);
// Create main() for experimenting with operations